Deer Feeder FAQ’s

Have a deer feeder related question? Then you’ve come to the right place! Whether you are a deer hunter or wildlife enthusiast, here are some of the most common questions and answers that people have related to deer feeders

Can Deer Eat Orange Peels

Do Deer Eat Orange Peels? Are They Dangerous for Deer?

Deer are classified as herbivores and have a diverse diet that includes leaves, twigs, fruits, and nuts. However, there has been some debate about whether deer eat orange peels or not. Some people believe that deer will eat anything they come across, while others argue that deer have a more selective palate. So, let’s look…

What’s the Best Deer Attractant to Mix With Corn?

Having a conversation today about deer attractants is very different from the attractant conversations I overheard as a kid. Back then, there weren’t any commercially made deer attractors on the market, so most hunters used naturally occurring foods like apples and pumpkins. I had an Uncle who would go by the local grocery stores and…

Understanding Deer Attractants

Understanding Deer Attractants and How They Work

If you’re a deer hunter, chances are you’re always looking for ways to improve your success rates. One way to do that is by using deer attractants. But what exactly are deer attractants, and how do they work? Here’s an in-depth look at the different types of whitetail attractant options on the market, including an…

How High Should a Deer Feeder be off the ground

How High Should a Deer Feeder Be Off The Ground?

Visit any deer hunting forum, and you’ll probably see several debates about over how high should a deer feeder be off the ground. Some hunters say that the feeder should be mounted as high as possible to make it more difficult for varmints and pests (like squirrels) to reach the food, while others believe that…

How Far Can Deer Smell Corn

How Long Does It Take Deer to Find Corn? The Answer Might Surprise You

Setting up deer feeders or a corn pile involves time, effort, and money. For these reasons, most hunters have questions about how soon they may start to see deer coming to their feeders or corn pile. One of the most common questions that I see asked is: how long does it take deer to find…

Do Deer Like Apples

What are Deer Apples, and Do Deer Eat Apples?

If you’ve spent any time out in the country, you may have heard of or seen a type of apple called a deer apple. However, while many have heard the deer apple term used, they may not know exactly what a deer apple is or what they are predominantly used for. At my day job,…