Deer Feeder FAQ’s

Have a deer feeder related question? Then you’ve come to the right place! Whether you are a deer hunter or wildlife enthusiast, here are some of the most common questions and answers that people have related to deer feeders

Do automatic deer feeders scare away deer

Do Automatic Deer Feeders Scare Deer?

Deer feeders are a subject of much debate in the deer hunting community. There are many opinions on whether or not deer feeding stations will really benefit your chances at harvesting a mature white-tailed buck. One concern that hunters commonly have with deer feeding stations is the following: do automatic deer feeders scare deer away?…

Do Deer Eat Pumpkins?

Whitetail Deer are one of the more common animals seen in forests and woods throughout North America’s Eastern and Midwest portions. Deer are typically classified as herbivores, identifying them as plant-eaters. However, a deer’s diet is impacted by its specific habitat and the food sources found within that habitat. Deer are also opportunists when it…

Do Deer Eat Carrots? Are They Good or Bad For Them?

At my day job, I spend a fair amount of time answering questions about deer feeders and about feeding deer in general. While most of the questions I answer are related to feeding deer for hunting purposes, there are also a fair number of people who are feeding deer solely to help the deer survive…

How to Squirrel Proof Your Deer Feeder

If you’ve spent any time managing a deer feeder, then you are probably already aware of a deer feeder’s number one nemesis: the squirrel (or, in typical cases, a pack of squirrels). Some experienced deer hunters might argue that a raccoon is the biggest problem they encounter with a deer feeder, but my money is…

Deer at Deer Feeder

Why Use a Deer Feeder?

In states where its legal to feed deer, one of the most common deer feeder related questions asked is why use a deer feeder? For the most part deer feeders are used for three purposes:  Deer hunters who want to keep the deer in their area for hunting purposes.   Wildlife lovers who want to…